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30 12, 2019

Best Content of 2019


When the new year rolls around, it’s tradition to look at the year that’s quickly disappearing in the review mirror: What did we do? Where did we go? What were the best times we had? What changed our lives? Traveling and camping in an RV probably tops the list, and all the other questions can [...]

Best Content of 20192019-12-31T07:05:48-05:00
27 12, 2019

An RVer’s Wish List for the New Year and Beyond


A more organized RV… Let’s face it, we can always do a better job organizing our lives. This applies to our digital lives (the pictures alone!) and our lives in our RV. RVs utilize space whenever and wherever possible, and it’s up to us to organize our belongings accordingly. We shouldn’t have too much stuff, [...]

An RVer’s Wish List for the New Year and Beyond2019-12-27T10:09:19-05:00
17 12, 2019

4 Cookie Recipes to Try for Christmas


If you’ll be having a holiday party this year or you like to give cookies to friends for Christmas, then these recipes will satisfy as well as be a wonderful gesture.   Snickerdoodle Party Cookies – From Bon Appetit Are you looking for a cookie that makes an impression? This is the one. These are [...]

4 Cookie Recipes to Try for Christmas2019-12-17T10:37:08-05:00
11 12, 2019

Tour Southwest Michigan: In and Around Grand Rapids


CN Traveller just announced southwest Michigan as one of their 20 top destinations of 2020 (in the world!), focusing on the communities of Fennville and Saugatuck. It’s easy to see why, though not surprising for those who call this beautiful part of the state home. It’s a region that can boast sandy beaches, stunning lighthouses, [...]

Tour Southwest Michigan: In and Around Grand Rapids2019-12-12T08:12:04-05:00
6 12, 2019

Sledding & Snow Tubing: A Pure Michigan Winter Activity


If you have kids, then you know how much they love getting out in the snow and going sledding. But it’s also a blast with a group of adults. Sledding is an activity you can enjoy as a family, plus you all get a little exercise on the multiple climbs back up. Whether you choose [...]

Sledding & Snow Tubing: A Pure Michigan Winter Activity2019-12-06T09:52:19-05:00
3 12, 2019

Give the Gift of Experiences this Christmas


When the holiday season is in full swing, our inboxes, ears, and eyes can be overwhelmed with the sights and sounds of commercialism. Buy this! Half off! Buy more, more, more! There is a growing trend, especially among Millennials, of skipping the pricey gifts and focusing on gifting experiences instead – something that can be [...]

Give the Gift of Experiences this Christmas2019-12-03T12:17:23-05:00
27 11, 2019

Get Outside on Black Friday


Do you need an idea of what to do on Black Friday? Don’t hit the store: hit the trails, waterways, and streets of Michigan to join in on REI’s #OptOutside campaign, which is supported by the Michigan DNR. “State parks are the ultimate anti-Black Friday destination,” according to a press release by the Michigan DNR [...]

Get Outside on Black Friday2019-11-27T08:10:41-05:00
20 11, 2019

Thanksgiving Day Recipes for Traveling RVers


There’s nothing better than warm comfort food when the fall days arrive, and Thanksgiving Day is the crown jewel of autumn. When you travel or live in an RV, you need to make sure you have a feast for your table, too, or at least go-to recipes for the home where you’ll be enjoying your [...]

Thanksgiving Day Recipes for Traveling RVers2019-11-20T08:27:35-05:00
19 11, 2019

Upper Peninsula Driving Tour: Copper Country Scenic Byway


All across the United States are 150 designated scenic byways, three of which are in the state of Michigan. The 47-mile Copper Country Scenic Byway that runs through the middle of the Keweenaw Peninsula of the U.P. traverses one of Michigan’s most remote and picturesque wilderness. The historic towns, once the centers of commerce and [...]

Upper Peninsula Driving Tour: Copper Country Scenic Byway2019-11-19T09:09:09-05:00
16 11, 2019

Weight: It Matters for Your RV


Weight gain doesn’t just happen when the holidays roll around. Weight loss isn’t just a goal for the New Year. When it comes to your RV, weight matters. If it gets too heavy, it’s important to take some off – and keep it off! But the best thing is never reach that point in the [...]

Weight: It Matters for Your RV2019-11-16T11:21:32-05:00
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