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So far MARVAC has created 661 blog entries.
23 11, 2015

Traveling this Holiday Season? Preparation and Trip Planning Tips


These trip planning tips are useful for every trip you take during the year. Have travel plans this holiday season? Or plans to go somewhere this winter? If it’s somewhere you’ve never been, or it’s been a long time, then you’ll need to prepare for your trip ahead of time so that you arrive to [...]

Traveling this Holiday Season? Preparation and Trip Planning Tips2017-03-31T07:35:22-04:00
9 11, 2015

Go Play Inside in Southeast Michigan: 5 Attractions


Outdoor activities can be challenging to do in fall and winter, but there are plenty of interesting and fun activities for kids of all ages that take place indoors. Think about visiting one of these places in southeast Michigan next time it's too cold, rainy, or snowy outside. 1. Bayou Adventure, Joe Dumars’ Fieldhouse, Shelby [...]

Go Play Inside in Southeast Michigan: 5 Attractions2018-04-20T11:27:17-04:00
9 11, 2015

Pasties: It’s That Time of Year! A working man’s staple has become a defining cuisine of Michigan.


The Upper Peninsula is defined by a hard-working class of men and women who logged, mined, and farmed Michigan’s wilderness and resources. They were – and are – as much a part of the land as the natural resources they made their living on. Out of these folks came a defining cultural food: the pasty. [...]

Pasties: It’s That Time of Year! A working man’s staple has become a defining cuisine of Michigan.2017-03-31T07:35:22-04:00
9 11, 2015

RV Safety: Driving in Windy Weather The Gales of November Don’t Need to Spell Trouble for Your RV


“…And every man knew, as the captain did too, ‘Twas the witch of November come stealin’…” goes the infamous Gordon Lightfoot tune about the freighter, the Edmund Fitzgerald. The storms and winds that overtake the Great Lakes in the fall months have been the cause of tragedy, but tragedies are rare, thankfully. Still, it’s a [...]

RV Safety: Driving in Windy Weather The Gales of November Don’t Need to Spell Trouble for Your RV2017-03-31T07:35:22-04:00
9 11, 2015

It’s Time to Winterize the RV – 10 Tips for Closing Up Shop


The days of October are getting shorter and cooler, and Jack Frost may or may not have already made his first annual appearance (In Michigan, that’s a pretty safe bet.). Many RV campgrounds have closed for the season, while others have discounted late season rates and even winter camping availability. But if you’re a seasonal [...]

It’s Time to Winterize the RV – 10 Tips for Closing Up Shop2017-03-31T07:35:22-04:00
9 11, 2015

Fun Things to Do in November


Mid-fall in Michigan can sometimes present a challenge to enjoying outdoor activities. The leaves have fallen, the weather is questionable, and there’s only the promise of snow.  But that doesn’t mean there's nothing to do. There are events taking place throughout Michigan during the month of November, both indoors and out. Full event listings are [...]

Fun Things to Do in November2016-06-22T11:26:08-04:00
9 11, 2015

Five Must-Haves for Your RV


Whether full-timers, weekend wanderers, or something in-between, we all enjoy the small luxuries and comforts provided by the traditional homes we’ve left behind. And just because we’re on four wheels doesn’t mean we need to abandon amenities we’re accustomed to. With these five new additions to your coach, you’ll find the full-time lifestyle that much [...]

Five Must-Haves for Your RV2017-03-31T07:35:22-04:00
9 11, 2015

Sleeping Comfortably in Your RV


If you’re a full-timer or even a seasonal RVer, you understand how important it is to have a comfortable bed to sleep on come nightfall. This is your home, or your home away from home, for many weeks or months at a time, and the days just aren’t the same if you wake up sore, [...]

Sleeping Comfortably in Your RV2017-03-31T07:35:23-04:00
9 11, 2015

Road Trip: Michigan Landmarks Tour – How many have you seen?


Michigan is full of unique - and sometimes unusual - attractions. Join us as we go on a road trip around the Mitten State in pursuit of some of these unique destinations. Many of them can be seen easily from the road, while others may require stopping for a little while. This is not an [...]

Road Trip: Michigan Landmarks Tour – How many have you seen?2017-03-31T07:35:23-04:00
9 11, 2015

Fire Prevention and Safety in your RV


A fire in your RV – while obviously bringing with it tremendous risk of injury or death – can also be devastating financially. Though most information is focused on how to be safe and prepared in the event of a fire in your home, those same practices are necessary for preventing fires in your RV [...]

Fire Prevention and Safety in your RV2017-05-17T13:36:32-04:00
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