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So far MARVAC has created 661 blog entries.
4 08, 2015

Things to Do in Northern Michigan: East Side


The west side of the state may get all the recognition, but it can get quite crowded due to that fame. If you really want to get away but don’t want to drive as far as the UP, visit northeast Michigan. It’s more remote but just as picturesque, with a wide range of things to [...]

Things to Do in Northern Michigan: East Side2018-04-20T11:34:44-04:00
4 08, 2015

Must-See Museums in the Upper Peninsula


Take a break from the questionable weather and explore Michigan’s rich history at one of these museums The UP is best known for its natural resources, expansive landscapes, and diverse ecology. Though not made by man, these natural wonders have impacted our human history and helped define it. Think of the Upper Peninsula as the [...]

Must-See Museums in the Upper Peninsula2018-04-20T11:29:29-04:00
24 07, 2015

Industry Insights – 7/9/15 Destination Marketing


Michigan.org Visitors Travel to MARVAC.org In a recent Link Analysis Report provided by Travel Michigan, statistics show that almost 500 visitors clicked through to the MARVAC.org webpage via Michigan.org.Travel Michigan forwards a significant amount of web traffic to the various Michigan Destination Marketing Organizations. These clicks may also benefit you as those web visitors may visit [...]

Industry Insights – 7/9/15 Destination Marketing2017-03-31T07:35:23-04:00
24 07, 2015

Industry Insights – 7/2/15 International Marketing


2015-2016 Board of Directors Election Results Congratulations to the following individuals who have been elected to serve on the MARVAC board for a three year term: Jeffery Natzke First Merit Bank - At Large Dave Rochette Westland Camping - Dealer Bob Rohn Lake of Dreams - Campground 2015 - 2016 MARVAC Board of Directors Gary [...]

Industry Insights – 7/2/15 International Marketing2017-03-31T07:35:23-04:00
24 07, 2015

Industry Insights – 6/25/15 Motorhome Sales


VOTE NOW!  2015-2016 Board of Directors Election Ballots were emailed to those designated voters on June 1st.  If you are the designated voter for your company and did not receive a ballot please email Brandy bnelson@mmhrvca.org so a ballot can be issued to you. Dave Lorenz Named Acting VP of Travel MichiganLANSING – The Michigan Economic Development [...]

Industry Insights – 6/25/15 Motorhome Sales2017-03-31T07:35:23-04:00
24 07, 2015

Industry Insights – 5/26/15 MARVAC Board


2015-2016 Board of Directors Election MARVAC is pleased to announce the 2015 - 2016 MARVAC Board of Directors Election SlateBallots will be emailed to members who are designated voters on May 29th.  Voting ends June 30th. 1 Campground Position – 3 Year Term Bob Rohn – Lake of Dreams Campground, Inc.1 Dealer Position – 3 Year Term  [...]

Industry Insights – 5/26/15 MARVAC Board2017-03-31T07:35:23-04:00
24 07, 2015

Industry Insights – 5/15/15 Pure Michigan Funding


Pure Michigan Funding MARVAC Members:The following communication was issued by the Vice-President of Travel Michigan-David West yesterday afternoon. If the legislature should enact legislation that would cut funding to the Pure Michigan campaign, this would dramatically impact Michigan tourism in all segments of the industry. Please take the time to read and understand the most [...]

Industry Insights – 5/15/15 Pure Michigan Funding2017-03-31T07:35:23-04:00
24 07, 2015

Industry Insights – 4/27/15 MARVAC Board of Directors


Nominations Due This Week! Time is running out! Nominate an industry colleague, or yourself today! Are you interested in becoming more involved in the RV and campground industry? Why not serve on the MARVAC Board of Directors? Nominate yourself or other industry members today! The board meets six times per year to identify the needs [...]

Industry Insights – 4/27/15 MARVAC Board of Directors2017-03-31T07:35:25-04:00
24 07, 2015

Industry Insights – 4/24/15 Go RVing


House Education Committee Hearing CANCELED! As a follow up to our Action Alert, The Michigan House Education Committee has canceled next Thursday's hearing regarding HB 4396, which would repeal Michigan law requiring state schools to open after Labor Day. Thank you to all our members who contacted their Representative to express concern about this legislation! [...]

Industry Insights – 4/24/15 Go RVing2017-03-31T07:35:25-04:00
24 07, 2015

Industry Insights – 4/14/15 Tie-in Program


Accepting Nominations for MARVAC Board of Directors Are you interested in becoming more involved in the RV and campground industry? Why not serve on the MARVAC Board of Directors? Nominate yourself or other industry members today! The board meets six times per year to identify the needs of the industry, and strategize ways to protect [...]

Industry Insights – 4/14/15 Tie-in Program2017-03-31T07:35:25-04:00
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