20 11, 2019

Thanksgiving Day Recipes for Traveling RVers


There’s nothing better than warm comfort food when the fall days arrive, and Thanksgiving Day is the crown jewel of autumn. When you travel or live in an RV, you need to make sure you have a feast for your table, too, or at least go-to recipes for the home where you’ll be enjoying your [...]

Thanksgiving Day Recipes for Traveling RVers2019-11-20T08:27:35-05:00
19 11, 2019

Upper Peninsula Driving Tour: Copper Country Scenic Byway


All across the United States are 150 designated scenic byways, three of which are in the state of Michigan. The 47-mile Copper Country Scenic Byway that runs through the middle of the Keweenaw Peninsula of the U.P. traverses one of Michigan’s most remote and picturesque wilderness. The historic towns, once the centers of commerce and [...]

Upper Peninsula Driving Tour: Copper Country Scenic Byway2019-11-19T09:09:09-05:00
16 11, 2019

Weight: It Matters for Your RV


Weight gain doesn’t just happen when the holidays roll around. Weight loss isn’t just a goal for the New Year. When it comes to your RV, weight matters. If it gets too heavy, it’s important to take some off – and keep it off! But the best thing is never reach that point in the [...]

Weight: It Matters for Your RV2019-11-16T11:21:32-05:00
11 11, 2019

Cold-Weather Camping Tips for First-Time RVers


If this is your first season RVing in the fall or winter, whether you’re full timing or just want a different camping experience, it pays to be prepared. Save the surprises for the summertime; when the weather turns cold, you want to be sure of what you and your RV can handle. Here’s how you [...]

Cold-Weather Camping Tips for First-Time RVers2019-11-11T07:15:13-05:00
6 11, 2019

RV Clubs You Should Know About


By being an RVer, you’re already part of one of the best clubs. More and more Americans are choosing to be RV owners every year, further growing the network of friendships and adventures for which the RV lifestyle is known. When you first purchased your RV, or first rented one, you probably noticed information about [...]

RV Clubs You Should Know About2019-11-06T08:44:52-05:00
30 10, 2019

Sport Utility RV: A Versatile Option


If you love to ATV or you want to work out of your RV and need the space, then a sport utility RV or toy hauler may be just the RV you’re looking for. The main benefit of a sport utility RV is that you have a separate space from the living quarters to store [...]

Sport Utility RV: A Versatile Option2019-10-30T11:07:48-04:00
15 10, 2019

Warm Up with These Three Cold-Weather Soups


Soups and stews are all-in-one dishes that are easy to make the day of, or to freeze and pull out for a chilly afternoon or evening meal – characteristics that make them ideal meals for campers. These recipes from Taste of Home make us want to find the nearest cable throw blanket, pour a glass [...]

Warm Up with These Three Cold-Weather Soups2019-12-20T09:55:32-05:00
14 10, 2019

Driving Tour: Ghostly Destinations in Historic Southeast Michigan


The east portion of southern Michigan is home to some of the state’s most historic cities. Detroit, for instance, was founded in 1701 as a fort and settlement. Today it’s an industrial urban center, with 300 years of history under its belt, some of which still haunt visitors today. Ann Arbor, home to the University [...]

Driving Tour: Ghostly Destinations in Historic Southeast Michigan2019-10-14T08:34:32-04:00
10 10, 2019

RV Fire Safety: Indoors and Out


Fire Prevention Week comes about every October to remind us all of the dangers of fire and how to keep ourselves and our communities safe. Michigan has seen its share of wildfires, the most recent large-scale fire occurring in 2012 in Luce County. But we also turn our attention to structural fires. For an RV, [...]

RV Fire Safety: Indoors and Out2019-10-10T07:50:02-04:00
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