22 08, 2021

Camping with Dogs: The Ultimate Guide


Dogs are often more than just dogs, they’re family. And when folks go camping, many canines go along for the adventure. We answer the most popular questions campers have when it comes to camping with dogs. What are the benefits of bringing the dog? Just like with people, spending quality time with your dog can [...]

Camping with Dogs: The Ultimate Guide2021-08-17T12:56:10-04:00
29 07, 2021

Fire Safety: At the Campsite and in the RV


The thought of a fire taking over your RV or the land around you is downright terrifying. Summertime can be especially hazardous when there is less than normal rainfall, as we’ve experienced much of this summer. We all want to enjoy ourselves, but we need to do so responsibility. There is a lot you can [...]

Fire Safety: At the Campsite and in the RV2021-07-29T07:20:25-04:00
21 06, 2021

Avoid the Crowds with Alternative Camping


“Half of all campers say camping has a great deal of impact, both in general and for themselves, in decreasing stress levels and allowing them to spend more time with their families. In fact, camping is credited for contributing to emotional and physical health and overall healthier lifestyles,” states to the 2019 North American Camping [...]

Avoid the Crowds with Alternative Camping2021-06-24T14:44:08-04:00
1 06, 2021

Keep Cool Inside and Out


Summer days are here, which means it’s camping season. It can also mean “feeling unreasonably hot” season for many campers. Getting sweaty and feeling warm should be expected, but there are things you can do to help keep yourself comfortable in and out of an RV when the weather gets hot. Start early. It’s going [...]

Keep Cool Inside and Out2021-06-01T06:29:15-04:00
14 05, 2021

How to Create and Use a Packing Checklist


In the anticipation of RV season finally taking off, it can be all too easy to forget something important. Packing checklists help us keep track of what needs to be brought, but you also need to have a system to ensure that everything on the list is ready to be packed in the RV in [...]

How to Create and Use a Packing Checklist2021-05-14T06:00:02-04:00
1 05, 2021

Benefits of RV Camping for Families


If you’re in your 30s or 40s, have a few kids, and love to see new places, then RV camping might be right up your alley – if you haven’t already tried it. Here are some of the main benefits of camping for kids and parents. Healthy lifestyle. Families who camp are living a healthy [...]

Benefits of RV Camping for Families2021-04-28T06:42:32-04:00
12 04, 2021

Organization Tips for Your RV


Even though you’ve made the list and felt you’ve pared it down as far as you can without removing any essentials, when it comes time to pack, it can seem like you still have too much stuff. Or, if you camp regularly, you seem to accumulate more and more until the point that everything seems [...]

Organization Tips for Your RV2021-04-12T07:12:26-04:00
26 03, 2021

Necessities List for Campervan Owners & Travelers


A campervan, known in the industry as a Class B motorhome, can be a stylish choice of RV that gives travelers a comfortable camping and traveling experience – in a single, compact package. Even though vintage campervans such as the avocado VW buses of Woodstock can still be found around the United States, modern campervans [...]

Necessities List for Campervan Owners & Travelers2021-03-26T12:18:13-04:00
19 03, 2021

Tips for Using an RV as Guest Quarters


Recreation vehicles, whether motorized or towed, are highly versatile. Owners utilize them not just for vacation or travel, many people have transformed RVs into office spaces or even into extra guest quarters at home or at a family cottage. Since a high percentage of Michigan RVers are weekenders or vacationers – compared to seasonal or [...]

Tips for Using an RV as Guest Quarters2021-03-19T21:57:53-04:00
4 03, 2021

8 Things to Do to Get Ready for RV Season


Are you getting excited? The third month of the year is “marching” along and it’ll be camping season before we know it. The change in the weather and the singing of the birds and the nearly irresistible urge to clean out the closets means spring is on the way – and our attention naturally turns [...]

8 Things to Do to Get Ready for RV Season2021-03-04T22:24:28-05:00
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