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MARVAC Member Updates

MARVAC Member Updates The Michigan Association of Recreation Vehicles and Campgrounds (MARVAC) is committed to keep its members up-to-date with information that is helpful under the current business conditions. This information changes frequently. Use this information as a guideline but make sure to check for restrictions being imposed by county and local units of government, [...]

MARVAC Member Updates2020-07-13T11:41:40-04:00

Upper Peninsula Driving Tour: Copper Country Scenic Byway

All across the United States are 150 designated scenic byways, three of which are in the state of Michigan. The 47-mile Copper Country Scenic Byway that runs through the middle of the Keweenaw Peninsula of the U.P. traverses one of Michigan’s most remote and picturesque wilderness. The historic towns, once the centers of commerce and [...]

Upper Peninsula Driving Tour: Copper Country Scenic Byway2019-11-19T09:09:09-05:00

Keeping it cool at a campground

OKEMOS, Mich.— Summer is heating up and there is no easier way to keep cool than with a camping or RV excursion to a Michigan Association of Recreational Vehicles and Campground (MARVAC) campground. Many MARVAC campgrounds either have a lake, a pool, and sometimes both to cool off in. “Camping in Michigan is already stunning [...]

Keeping it cool at a campground2020-08-10T10:44:24-04:00

3 Easy Summer Cocktails

One for each of your weekend nights. And yes, Sunday nights count. There’s nothing more satisfying that sitting back and relaxing with a beverage with friends after a day of hiking, swimming, kayaking, bike riding - you name it. These concoctions divert from the norm and will turn into seasonal favorites because of the combination [...]

3 Easy Summer Cocktails2019-07-01T08:51:24-04:00

Northwest Michigan Driving Tour: Torch Lake

The water of Torch Lake in Northwest Lower Michigan has been compared to that of the azure and turquoise of the Caribbean. In fact, National Geographic called it one of the 10 most beautiful lakes in the world. And at 19 miles long, it’s Michigan’s longest inland lake, which means there’s plenty of room for [...]

Northwest Michigan Driving Tour: Torch Lake2019-02-26T11:11:17-05:00

Trip Planning: Best Places to Visit in 2019

How can you possibly pick where to go and what to do when to get there? When it comes to Michigan, you have a lot of choices. In the past couple of years, our state has garnered a lot of attention by the national press. So as you're planning your RV trips for 2019 and [...]

Trip Planning: Best Places to Visit in 20192018-10-23T12:24:22-04:00

Responsible Dog Ownership Day: Outdoor Hazards

Thousands of RV owners choose to bring their dogs along for the ride and to participate in the travels. In fact, that’s one of the best parts of owning an RV in the first place, to have the flexibility and the capability to bring along your faithful friend.  Your dog won’t be restricted to the [...]

Responsible Dog Ownership Day: Outdoor Hazards2018-09-13T12:43:42-04:00

Tips for Beating the Heat this Summer

Warm days and sunshine are looked forward to with fervor by Michiganders after months of snow. When the snow and ice leave the roadways, we rejoice! No more going 35 miles an hour and low visibility. But the summer sun comes with hazards of its own, and we need to take precautions to make sure [...]

Tips for Beating the Heat this Summer2018-05-24T08:28:03-04:00

Families Benefit from RV Vacations

Contact: All Seasons Communications Phone: 586.752.6381 (not for publication) Gretchen Monette, OKEMOS, Mich.— If you are looking for an economical, family-friendly, relaxed and educational vacation, consider camping in an RV. According to the Recreational Vehicle Industry Association’s RV Consumer Demographic Profile, nearly nine percent of American households own an RV, while 21 percent stating [...]

Families Benefit from RV Vacations2018-09-18T08:38:01-04:00
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